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Postdoc position - embedded Quantum ESPRESSO dev ... (No replies)
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The Pavanello Research Group (PRG) in Physics and Chemistry at Rutgers University-Newark ( seeks a highly-motivated and talented scientist for a grant funded, postdoctoral researcher (Post-Doctoral Associate) position. PRG is developing and applying exciting new approaches to electronic structure theory and associated computer code development. Code development is to be carried out in PRG’s embedded Quantum-ESPRESSO software Start date is flexible, but is anticipated to be in April 2019.
Ph.D. in Physics, Chemistry or related disciplines; strong record of peer-reviewed publications; expert in object-oriented Python and Fortran 2003 coding, and is well-versed in computational chemistry or condensed matter physics development, such as the Quantum ESPRESSO suite of softwares.
Please, apply at this link: