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Proposal to establish distributed consultancy ne ... (No replies)

5 years ago
gmogni 5 years ago

Dear members of the community,

As part of the Quantum Server project for facilitating the networking within the global computational science and engineering community, I would like to introduce a new distributed consultancy service. This service would allow the industry with an interest in computational materials or chemical modeling to hire expert consultants for collaborating on short or medium-term computational projects.

If you are interested in performing such contract-based consultancy research on behalf of industry, please send a short introductory paragraph on your professional background and experience, including a list of all computational codes that you are familiar with, as well as a copy of your CV, to the following email address:

[email protected]

I will then post your profile on a dedicated section within the Quantum Server website, for the whole community to see:

My next endeavor will then be to contact as many industrial partners as possible to attract their attention towards the list of consultants, and consequently let them select what they believe is the most suitable profile out of the list.

Please let me know about your interest in this initiative. I cannot guarantee in a first instance to attract sufficient attention from industry, but in any case the service will be free for consultants. I will therefore try my best, and will keep you updated on the evolution of the available contracts.

Many thanks for your consideration,

Dr. Gabriele Mogni




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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials