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2018 MaX Hackathon (Barcelona, 16-20 July 2018) (No replies)

6 years ago
daniele.varsano 6 years ago

The MaX Centre of Excellence is pleased to announce the 2018 MaX Hackathon (Barcelona, 16-20 July 2018), a coding week dedicated to exascaling in electronic structure codes.

MaX - Materials Design at the Exascale - is an EU-H2020 Centre of Excellence aimed at driving the exascale transition in the domain of materials science by pushing software development and performance, uptake of HPC technology, and hardware-software codesign for a set of selected applications, the MaX flagship codes: Quantum ESPRESSO, SIESTA, Fleur, Yambo, and AiiDA.

The 2018 MaX-Hackathon will offer an informal brain-storming environment and practical coding sessions, including:

  1. Working groups active in the development of each flagship code, eg targeting the development of new features, performance improvements, performance portability to new architectures including GPUs.
  2. Advanced training for developers on selected topics (novel parallel paradigms, emerging MPI and OpenMP features/standards, support of GPUs & HW heterogeneity, HDF5 and parallel IO).
  3. Transversal coding activities (eg parallel IO, support of common electronic structure formats, GPU support).

Venue and dates: Barcelona, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya (UPC); 16-20th July 2018.

More info, including the application form, updated work plan, and participant list, can be found at http://www.max-centre.eu/max-hackathon/.


Deadline for applications is June 23, 2018.

A few fellowships are available to partially cover travel and accommodation expenses


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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials